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BLS Signatures and Their Use in Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies have grown into fields of immense innovation, forging a path toward a decentralized financial realm.


One of the keystones that hold this domain together is the cryptographic signature, a technology that underpins transaction verification and some consensus mechanisms.

Among these cryptographic signatures, BLS signatures stand as a significant contribution, offering unique advantages that are particularly leveraged in modern blockchain platforms. This article seeks to demystify BLS signatures, delving into their core principles, applications in cryptocurrencies, technical implementation, and future trajectories.

Definition of BLS Signatures

BLS signatures, named after their inventors Boneh-Lynn-Shacham, are cryptographic signatures that provide a compact and efficient means to validate the authenticity of transactions within a network. Unlike traditional digital signatures, BLS signatures leverage bilinear pairings, a mathematical operation, to achieve verification and signature aggregation.

The journey of BLS signatures commenced with the explorations of cryptographers Dan Boneh, Ben Lynn, and Hovav Shacham. Their quest led to the formulation of a signature scheme that could provide shorter signatures while maintaining a robust level of security. Over the years, this signature scheme has evolved, finding relevance and application in modern-day cryptographic challenges.

The Anatomy of BLS Signatures

The bedrock of BLS signatures lies in its mathematical construct—bilinear pairings. This mathematical concept allows for a unique interaction between elements of two distinct groups, facilitating the foundational operations of BLS signatures. Delving deeper, the BLS signature scheme manifests as a fascinating interplay of algebraic operations that underpin the generation, signing, and verification processes.

BLS signatures boast a set of distinctive properties that set them apart from traditional signature schemes. Their uniqueness and deterministic nature ensure that a signature corresponds unequivocally to a particular message and signer. Moreover, the security aspects of BLS signatures provide protection against common cryptographic attacks, ensuring a robust defense for the underlying blockchain network.

Furthermore, one of the hallmarks of BLS signatures is that they can be aggregated. This feature allows for consolidating multiple signatures into one, significantly reducing the data footprint of the output. The resulting aggregate signature maintains the veracity of the individual signatures, thus ensuring a coherent and secure verification process.

Relevance to Cryptocurrency

In the realm of cryptocurrencies, transaction verification is paramount. BLS signatures have emerged as a powerful tool to fortify blockchain networks by providing a streamlined process for signature verification and aggregation. Their potential to aggregate multiple signatures into a single signature holds a promise of solving scalability issues that plague many blockchain networks. More specifically, BLS signatures are used in blockchain for the following things:

Authenticity Verification

In blockchain networks, establishing the authenticity of a signer is crucial to ensure that the transactions are legitimate and to maintain trust among participants. BLS signatures serve as a cryptographic proof that a particular message or transaction has been created by a specific entity possessing the private key corresponding to a public key known to others in the network.

This digital signature scheme allows network participants to verify that a particular message was signed by the owner of a particular public key, thereby ensuring the integrity and the origin of the message. The verification process in BLS signature scheme is based on a bilinear pairing system, which involves certain mathematical operations on groups of elements within elliptic curves.

Aggregation Techniques

The ability to aggregate signatures is one of the unique features of BLS signatures. This refers to the capability to combine multiple signatures and/or public keys from different users into a single, compact representation without losing the ability to verify each individual signature.

In a typical scenario without aggregation, verifying a large number of signatures could be computationally intensive as each signature must be verified individually. However, with BLS signature aggregation, it's possible to verify many signatures in a single operation, which can significantly reduce computational costs and improve the efficiency of the verification process. This property is highly desirable in blockchain networks where numerous transactions and corresponding signatures need to be verified in a timely manner.

Use in Ethereum

Ethereum, a leading smart contract platform, initially only used ECDSA (Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm) with a specific elliptic curve (secp256k1) for signing and verifying transactions.

However, in its beacon chain protocol, BLS signatures with a different elliptic curve (BLS12-381) are utilized. BLS signatures are chosen for their favorable properties, including signature aggregation, which can contribute to reducing the data that needs to be stored and verified on the blockchain, thereby potentially enhancing the scalability and efficiency of the network. This adaptation reflects a significant application of BLS signatures in enhancing blockchain protocols and is a testament to the value they bring to the cryptocurrency domain.


The magic of BLS signatures is encapsulated in their mathematical scaffolding—bilinear pairings, which underpin the signature generation, signing, and verification processes. These signatures, with their unique and deterministic attributes, ensure an unequivocal correspondence between a signature, a message, and a signer.

The security apparatus of BLS signatures, robust against common cryptographic onslaughts, fortifies the blockchain networks they are deployed in.
